Thursday, February 27, 2014

Know the Pros and Cons, Benefits and Differences of Generic Drugs

A generic drug is simply a branded drug that uses a different name. You’ll recognize many of the names. The brand Tylenol has a generic called acetaminophen. Prilosec is the brand name for generic omeprazole which helps people with reflux disease. Metformin, used by diabetes patients, is the generic name for the brand Glucophage.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers a generic drug to be “identical, or bioequivalent, to a brand name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use.”

But generic drugs cost less than their branded (also called "innovator") counterparts, and with the skyrocketing costs of healthcare, choosing generic drugs may be one way to keep costs lower. Because they cost so much less, it's fair to ask the question about whether or not they are truly equal.

What Are the Differences Between Generic and Branded Drugs?

Beyond the pricing, there are at least two other differences.

First, not all innovator drugs have a generic version. Those that were recently developed are probably still patented; therefore a generic does not exist. To get the benefits of those drugs, you’ll need to use the branded versions.

Also, “bio-equivalent" means only that the active ingredients need to be the same. U.S. Trademark laws require the drugs to look different, so the generic version may be a different color, a different shape, have a different taste, or contain inactive ingredients that are different.

There have been problems reported by people who changed from the branded drug to its generic, and vice versa. In most cases the problems seem to stem from the variation in the inactive ingredients. Others seem to emanate from the amount of active ingredient included in the different version. Adverse reports are rare, but if you experience them, you should explore them further.

Why Do Generic Drugs Cost Less?

When a pharmaceutical manufacturer develops a new drug, it obtains a patent for that drug. The patent protects the developer’s investment in developing the drug, and no one else can legally sell the exact same drug for a period of time. It will be protected for up to 17 years.

That patent-protected drug is the innovator drug. When we purchase it, we are also paying for the research costs, the costs incurred in proving it is safe, the costs to market and transport the drug, and a premium if it is the only available drug for a certain symptom, disease or condition. Those costs can make drugs very expensive for us to purchase. The developer considers much of the price a way to recoup its development costs.

Once that patent-protected time has passed, any other company can manufacture and sell a drug with the same ingredients as the branded one. However, the FDA insists that a generic drug must be given a new name. Since the company that manufactures the generic didn't incur the costs of the original research, testing or marketing, the cost is lower.

If you have an insurance plan that covers prescription drugs, you may be surprised to know that some branded drugs will actually cost you less from your pocket than generics do. Health insurance companies negotiate pricing with drug manufacturers and drug sellers, occasionally resulting in more favorable pricing for their insured customers for branded drugs.

Your insurance company maintains a list of preferred drugs, called a formulary, that helps you understand pricing. If the choice is not clear, check with your insurance company to determine whether the branded or generic will cost you less.

Are There Downsides to Generic Drugs?

Knowing how much money we can save when we pay for our own drugs, and how much money we can save for the entire healthcare system if we accept generics through our health insurance plans, we have to wonder why we wouldn't always prefer to take generics.

The answer is more about how generic drug manufacturers operate, the lack of oversight by the WHO, and less about the real question of whether generics will "work."

The vast majority of generic drugs are manufactured in other countries; not in the Australia or Europe. The FDA has enough trouble regulating drugs manufactured in its own country; it cannot and does not do a good job of regulating manufacturers overseas. One example of this problem is the Ranbaxy debacle in 2013 when ultimately the FDA levied a $500 million fine because Ranbaxy was intentionally adulterating its drugs. There can be no question that other manufacturers are legally selling counterfeit versions of the drugs they have been approved to manufacture, too.

The best way to be sure you are getting exactly the drug you need, branded or generic, is to consult with your doctor. When your doctor prescribes a drug for you, ask if there is a generic equivalent. If there is, then ask which form of the drug makes the most sense for you.

If you are ready and know your medical needs we suggest to buy generic drugs online in safe online pharmacy: (Online Pharmacy Asia)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Why are young men clueless about emergency contraception?

Young men are clueless about emergency contraception which is limiting access to an effective means of preventing unwanted pregnancies, researchers say. The big finding in our study is that young men had a lot less knowledge about emergency contraception than the young women that we surveyed, and even among the young women, knowledge wasn’t great, Sheree Schrager, a member of the study team, told Reuters Health.

About half of the women understood basic facts about emergency contraception, how you get it, how you use it, and the fact that male partners were also able to buy it over-the-counter for their female partners,’ added Schrager, a researcher at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, California. ‘But young men had significantly lower knowledge then the young women did, and this is an opportunity for providers to reach out to young men in the hopes of reaching more young women to use emergency contraception,’ she said. According to researchers, unwanted pregnancies are higher in poorer communities and their health and economic consequences may be greater, the researchers write in The Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. Gallery – know your contraception

To gauge how much older teens and young adults know about emergency contraception, the researchers enrolled 101 males and 97 females ages 18 to 25 into the study during 2008 and 2009. The participants were either patients at a free health care clinic in Los Angeles or had received physical screenings as part of their training for the Los Angeles Job Corps. About 36 per cent of sexually experienced young women had used emergency contraception previously, while 18 per cent of the sexually experienced males had partners who had used it.

Birth control pill

Birth control or oral contraceptive pills is a reliable method of contraception and works by suppressing ovulation – the release of an egg from the ovary. Contraceptive pills are classified depending on their composition. In India, there are two types of pills available.

Combined pills: Contains a combination of oestrogen and progestin. These are the synthetic form of the same hormones present in the female body. These pills are also useful in reducing the intensity of menstrual discomfort. Another type of pill available is the Mini Pill. They contain only progesterone, they are milder in action and have lesser side-effects. If used correctly and consistently, the pill is projected to be about 99.7 to 99.9 % effective in preventing pregnancy. The failure rate of hormonal methods of contraception, including the pill is usually lower than non-hormonal methods such as condoms and intrauterine devices.

Pros and cons: When taken correctly, regular and emergency pills work most of the time. However, they can also cause problems and it’s believed they can cause weight gain, decrease libido and cause other problems since they alter a woman’s hormonal levels. It’s also important to remember that unlike the barrier method, pills do not prevent the transmission of HIV and other STDs.