Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How can I get to know what people actually think of me?

Everyone act normal and nice in front of you but have a totally different opinion elsewhere. How can I find out what is that other opinion?

Jordan Phoenix created an exercise called "How does the rest of the world perceive you?" that became a big hit at a personal development retreat I organized several years ago.

Here's how it works:

Some friends and I were camped out in the middle of the wilderness for several days, which I believe is the optimal environment for something like this. Since it was my idea, I chose to be the guinea pig and go first. I walked a few hundred yards away from the group (far away enough to be able to hear yelling, but not able to hear any talking), while they discussed my strengths, my weaknesses, and areas for improvement as a human being.

There was no time limit. The idea was to create a list comprehensive enough to cover everything, and pull no punches. I was to stay put until they yelled out for me to come back. Needless to say, those 20 minutes or so were as nerve wracking as any I can remember.

One person was in charge of reading the list they created. I cringed the whole time, scared shitless every time they would get to the next item.

And then, it was over. "That was it?" I thought. That wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined it was going to be. There were two very important areas of focus they told me I needed to improve upon:

  1. Not everything in life is so black and white; life is messy, and there can a lot of grey area in between in complex situations. Be willing to see things differently.
  2. It's okay to be open and vulnerable; you don't always need to portray strength and a sense that you have everything under control.

These were spot on, and becoming aware of these blind spots definitely helped me become a better person.

Each person had their turn to walk away from the group, and then come back to face the uncomfortable truths that everyone knew about but themselves. I believe this was such an important part of it, because in this way, it became acceptable for each person to hear the things they needed to hear without feeling defensive, or as if everyone was ganging up on them, because we were all in it together.

We all have certain flaws; and often times, there are some things we do that bother other people that everyone knows about except us. The only clue we ever get is that people disappear from our lives without warning, and the pattern repeats with every new person we meet, until we become aware of what our blind spots are. I highly recommend rounding up a bunch of friends in order to try something like this. It will pay dividends for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Some medication specifies to take it on an empty stomach 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal. Shouldn't both conditions be true?

No, it does not mean that you can take it right after a meal as long as you don't eat for another two hours.

Here is how to break down those instructions:

Whatever medication it is, it is absorbed best from an empty stomach. Having food in your stomach can change the conditions in your stomach, such as acidity level or the amount of churning your stomach does. So, this particular medication works best on empty stomach conditions.

In order to give the medication these empty stomach conditions to work properly, there are two "choices" to achieve an empty stomach.

  1. take the medication 1 hour before a meal. This is assuming you haven't eaten in a few hours, so your stomach is currently empty. Taking the medication one hour before eating gives it enough time to get in and get absorbed by your stomach, before food comes in after it.
  2. take the medication two hours after eating. This is also assuming that you won't be eating soon after taking it. Taking it 2 hours after eating gives the food that you ate enough time to pass through your stomach and into your intestine. Then, your stomach will be empty again for the medication to enter it.

Overall, depending on how many times per day you need to take the medication, it is easiest to take the medication between meals, as long as it is TWO HOURS after you last ate, and ONE HOUR before you plan to eat again.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Energy Drink Banned for Containing Erectile Dysfunction Drug

An energy drink promising naturally enhanced sexual performance has been banned in Australia after authorities discovered it actually contained erectile dysfunction drugs.

An Australian energy drink that promised to improve sexual performance has been banned for actually fulfilling its marketing promise, because it was actually full of erectile dysfunction drugs.

According to Gawker, the MosKa energy drink claimed to be a "100% natural traditional sex food.” It also purported to contain no chemicals or drugs, but Australian authorities found that it actually contained vardenafil, better known as Levitra. Well, that’ll get the job done. It’s not even remotely a natural and drug-free food, though, and dispensing erectile dysfunction drugs without a prescription can be dangerous. Levitra can have dangerous side effects in certain people, and can cause unsafe reactions when used in conjunction with other drugs.

MosKa says it did not know about the drug and has issued an apology on its website, claiming that a manufacturer added the drug without authorization.

“We have terminated the supplier and are in the process of producing the product with our own formulation to ensure no hidden ingredients,” the company said. “All our future products will be tested for compliance with all regulatory requirements.”

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Down-low on Pain Relief Medication

Does your back ache? Do you have a headache, toothache or sprained ankle? What medication should you choose for pain relief?

In most cases these types of pain are common and can be treated with over the counter pain medications which make up a $2 billion a year industry. The few basic medications available to treat your pain must be chosen wisely and you must be aware of the possible side effects of these drugs so that they don’t cause more harm than good.

The potential for harm rises with increasing doses of the medication and in taking it for long periods of time. The elderly and those with chronic medical conditions face a greater chance of experiencing troublesome side effects.

In spite of the pharmacy shelves being filled with a mind boggling combination of available pain relieving drugs, they are really all made up of any one of the following types of drug:

Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

This is probably the safest of the drugs when taken at the recommended doses. It is classified as an analgesic (pain reliever) as well as a fever reducer. It can be used by all ages, except infants under 3 months old. It can have a toxic effect on the liver and should be used very cautiously, if at all, by those with liver disease or those who drink more than three alcoholic beverages a day. A big advantage of acetaminophen over the others is its tendency not to irritate or harm the stomach. It can be taken if one is also taking a blood thinning medication. Follow the dosing directions carefully.

Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB)

This is called an anti-inflammatory analgesic because it acts not only on most any type of pain but also on inflammation. Many people use this medication for relief of soft tissue aches and pains associated with vigorous exercise or hard physical labor. Like acetaminophen, it is very effective as a fever reducer for young and old. Do not use in infants under six months of age without consulting your doctor.

Unlike acetaminophen, it does not harm the liver in recommended doses, but, it can be very irritating to the stomach possibly leading to bleeding and/or stomach ulcers. Long term high dose usage has been linked to increase risk of heart and kidney disease. It should not be taken while taking a blood thinning drug.

Naproxen Sodium (Aleve)

This is also an anti-inflammatory drug taken for the same indications as ibuprofen. It can be taken less frequently than ibuprofen and still achieve the same benefit. It causes similar side effects to ibuprofen with perhaps less likelihood of stomach and kidney problems.

ASPIRIN (Bayer, Excedrin)

This time-honored drug is also an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and fever reducer. Under the care of a physician, it is now being used in a low dose to help prevent heart disease. It’s cheap and plentiful, but has more potential side effects compared to the others. It is more frequently associated with stomach irritation and bleeding. It is not recommended in children less than 16 years old. Because of the potential side effects, I personally would not take aspirin to treat routine pain unless there was no other choice.

The bottom line is that if you have mild pain for whatever reason, any of the above drugs could be helpful, but results vary for each individual. Pay close attention to the various side effects which I have listed and which can be found on the medication label. Be sure to see your doctor if you get no pain relief from these commonly used mentioned medications or if your pain lasts more than a few days. More pain control drugs online here.

Antibiotics Explained

antibiotics onlineAn antibiotic is a type of medication that kills bacteria, or at least inhibits growth, thus curing an infectious disease.

The first antibiotic to be discovered was penicillin, which was produced from a common mold and was discovered accidentally by Alexander Fleming in 1928. It wasn’t used to treat disease until 1941, but it became extremely helpful when it was found to cure the myriad infections of the soldiers in World War II.

Today, there are more than 100 different antibiotics on the market, treating bacterial infections ranging from the minor, such as strep throat, to the life-threatening, such as meningitis.

As of yet, we have very few antibiotics that can treat viral infections. There are none to treat the common cold and only a few that can help treat influenza. However, bacterial infections — the cause of such common diseases as strep throat, bladder infections, skin infections and many ear infections, for example — can be cured by the use of antibiotics.

If an antibiotic is used, your physician will choose the one most likely to be effective against the type of germ causing your infection. Other factors in the choice of an antibiotic include medication cost, dosing schedule and potential side effects.

Antibiotics have been over-prescribed for a number of reasons, including patients’ expectations or insistence on use of antibiotics; physicians prescribing them because they don’t have the time or willingness to explain why they are not necessary; and medical legal reasons.

The consequences of over-prescribing antibiotics are twofold.

First is the possibility of a bad reaction to the antibiotic. This might span from minor conditions — a bothersome rash, diarrhea or a yeast infection — to a life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylactic shock.

The bigger problem, as I see it, is the emergence of resistant germs. This happens when the overuse of antibiotics allows the development of germs that are no longer killed by most of the common antibiotics.

As opposed to the post-World War II decades, when drug companies were pumping out new antibiotics faster than germs could become resistant, we are now in a situation in which, for various reasons, drug companies are not putting in the resources to develop new antibiotics. This will become a serious crisis when we reach a time when many infections will not be treatable with existing antibiotics.

As I have emphasized previously, when seeing your physician for an illness, it is best not to have expectations of being treated with antibiotics. Rather, let your physician decide whether antibiotics are needed, and expect an explanation from him or her as to the reasoning behind that decision. You should also be given suggestions as to what you can do to make yourself feel better during the course of your illness.

If you looking for a good and reliable place to buy antibiotics online you can always refer Antibiotics For Sale in Asian Pharmacy or Antibiotics Australia

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Where to buy some popular medications online ?

Some people are looking for a good online drugstores to buy generic medicines online. Below we gathered some brief links to trusted online pharmacies that may help:

Where to buy Kamagra Oral Jelly online?

Kamagra Jelly contain sildenafil as main ingredient.

You can buy Kamagra Jelly online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Kamagra Jelly.

Where to buy Priligy online?

Priligy contain dapoxetine as main ingredient.

You can buy Priligy online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Priligy.
Available dosages 30mg, 60mg, 90mg .

Where to buy Viagra online?

Viagra contain sildenafil as main ingredient.

You can buy Viagra online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Viagra.
Available dosages 100mg, 120mg, 130mg, 150mg, 200mg, 25mg, 50mg .

Where to buy Cialis online?

Cialis contain tadalafil as main ingredient.

You can buy Cialis online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Cialis.
Available dosages 10mg, 20mg, 40mg, 60mg .

Where to buy Apcalis Oral Jelly online?

Apcalis Sx Oral Jelly contain tadalafil as main ingredient.

You can buy Apcalis Sx Oral Jelly online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Apcalis Sx Oral Jelly.

Where to buy Megalis online?

Megalis contain tadalafil as main ingredient.

You can buy Megalis online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Megalis.

Where to buy Lasix online?

Lasix contain furosemide as main ingredient.

You can buy Lasix online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Lasix.
Available dosages 100mg, 40mg .

Where to buy Lexapro online?

Lexapro contain escitalopram as main ingredient.

You can buy Lexapro online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Lexapro.
Available dosages 10mg, 20mg, 5mg .

Where to buy Minipress online?

Minipress contain prazosin as main ingredient.

You can buy Minipress online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Minipress.
Available dosages 1mg, 2mg .

Where to buy Cipro online?

Cipro contain ciprofloxacin as main ingredient.

You can buy Cipro online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Cipro.
Available dosages 1000mg, 250mg, 500mg, 750mg .

Where to buy Amoxil online?

Amoxil contain amoxicillin as main ingredient.

You can buy Amoxil online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Amoxil.
Available dosages 250mg, 500mg .

Where to buy Zithromax online?

Zithromax contain azithromycin as main ingredient.

You can buy Zithromax online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Zithromax.
Available dosages 100mg, 250mg, 500mg .

Where to buy Dramamine online?

Dramamine contain dimenhydrinate as main ingredient.

You can buy Dramamine online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Dramamine.

Where to buy Wellbutrin online?

Wellbutrin contain bupropion as main ingredient.

You can buy Wellbutrin online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Wellbutrin.

Where to buy Finpecia online?

Finpecia contain finasteride as main ingredient.

You can buy Finpecia online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Finpecia.

Where to buy Antabuse online?

Antabuse contain disulfiram as main ingredient.

You can buy Antabuse online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Antabuse.
Available dosages 250mg, 500mg .

Where to buy Revia online?

Revia contain naltrexone as main ingredient.

You can buy Revia online here, alternatively there is another place to buy Revia.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sex-Drive Killers


Some people do many things well when they're stressed. Feeling sexy usually isn't one of them. Stress at work, home, or in your relationships can happen to anyone. Learning how to handle it really helps. You can do a lot of it yourself, and a counselor or doctor can also help.

Partner Problems

Problems with your partner are among the top sex-drive killers. For women, feeling close is a major part of desire. For both sexes, watch for fallout from fights, poor communication, feeling betrayed, or other trust issues. If it's tricky to get back on track, reach out to a couples counselor.


A drink may make you feel more open to sex. But too much alcohol can numb your sex drive. Your being drunk can also be a turn-off for your partner. If you have trouble drinking less, seek help.

Too Little Sleep

If your sexual get-up-and-go is gone, maybe you're not spending enough time in bed. Do you go to bed too late or rise too early? Do you have a sleep problem like trouble falling or staying asleep, or a condition such as sleep apnea? Anything that messes with a good night's rest can mess with sex. Fatigue saps sexy feelings. Work on your sleep habits, and if that doesn't help, talk to your doctor.

Having Kids

You don't lose your sex drive once you're a mom or dad. You do lose some time to be close, though, with kids under foot. Hire a babysitter to nurture some time to be partners as well as parents. New baby? Try sex during nap time.


Some drugs turndown desire. They include some of these types of medications:

Switching drugs or dosages may help -- ask your doctor about that and never stop taking any medicine on your own. Tell your doctor, too, if your sex drive stalls soon after you start taking a new drug.

Poor Body Image

Feeling sexy is easier if you like how you look. Work on accepting your body as it is today, even if you're working to get in shape. Feeling good about yourself can put you in the mood. If your partner has low esteem, assure them that they're sexy.


When you're overweight or obese, desire often dims. It could be that you don't enjoy sex, can't perform like you want to, or are held back by low self-esteem. Working on how you feel about yourself, with a counselor if needed, may make a big difference.

Erection Problems

Men with ED (erectile dysfunction) often worry about how they will be able to perform sexually, and that worry can drain their desire. ED can be treated, and couples can also work to keep it from affecting their relationship.

Low T

The "T" hormone, testosterone, fuels sex drive. As men age, their T levels may drop a bit. Not all lose the desire for sex as this happens, but some do. Many other things -- from relationships to weight -- also affect a man's sex drive and testosterone levels, so there's not a one-size-fits-all answer for every man.


Being depressed can shut off pleasure in many things, including sex. That's one of many reasons to get help. If your treatment involves medication, tell your doctor if your sex drive is low, since some (but not all) depression drugs lower sex drive. Talk about it with your therapist, too.


For many women, sex drive dims around menopause. That's partly about symptoms such as vaginal dryness and pain during sex. But every woman is different, and it's possible to have a great sex life after menopause by tending to your relationship, self esteem, and overall health.

Lack of Closeness

Sex without feeling close can slay desire. Intimacy is more than just sex. If your sex life is idling, try spending more non-sexual time together, just the two of you. Talk, snuggle, trade massages. Find ways to express love without having sex. Getting closer can rebuild your sex drive.

Source: WebMD

What If My Depression Doesn't Go Away?

Until doctors have a way to test people ahead of time to see which treatment will work for each individual, finding the right approach is a matter of trial and error. Depending on the severity of the depression and other factors, including your preference, you may start with either psychotherapy or medication, or a combination of the two.

What might be a typical course of treatment if your depression doesn't respond well to the initial choice? On the medication side, if the first drug you try doesn't work after four to eight weeks of treatment, your doctor may increase your dosage. If that doesn't work, he or she may suggest that you switch to another drug in the same class or a drug in a different class. You can try several different antidepressants in sequence until you find one that is most helpful. Your doctor may also recommend adding psychotherapy if that hasn't been part of your treatment plan.

If you still don't respond to these therapies, your doctor may prescribe an additional medication, such as lithium or an antipsychotic medication, to be taken with the antidepressant. Depending on the type of symptoms and their severity, the next step may be trying electroconvulsive therapy or light therapy.  Newer therapies, such as vagus nerve stimulation or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, are other options for you and your doctor to discuss. Your doctor or mental health professional is also likely to address life circumstances or losses that may be putting pressure on you or a problem with substance abuse that may be getting in the way of your progress.

Having to go through all of these steps may sound discouraging, but finding the treatment that works for you will be worth the effort.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Know the Pros and Cons, Benefits and Differences of Generic Drugs

A generic drug is simply a branded drug that uses a different name. You’ll recognize many of the names. The brand Tylenol has a generic called acetaminophen. Prilosec is the brand name for generic omeprazole which helps people with reflux disease. Metformin, used by diabetes patients, is the generic name for the brand Glucophage.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers a generic drug to be “identical, or bioequivalent, to a brand name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use.”

But generic drugs cost less than their branded (also called "innovator") counterparts, and with the skyrocketing costs of healthcare, choosing generic drugs may be one way to keep costs lower. Because they cost so much less, it's fair to ask the question about whether or not they are truly equal.

What Are the Differences Between Generic and Branded Drugs?

Beyond the pricing, there are at least two other differences.

First, not all innovator drugs have a generic version. Those that were recently developed are probably still patented; therefore a generic does not exist. To get the benefits of those drugs, you’ll need to use the branded versions.

Also, “bio-equivalent" means only that the active ingredients need to be the same. U.S. Trademark laws require the drugs to look different, so the generic version may be a different color, a different shape, have a different taste, or contain inactive ingredients that are different.

There have been problems reported by people who changed from the branded drug to its generic, and vice versa. In most cases the problems seem to stem from the variation in the inactive ingredients. Others seem to emanate from the amount of active ingredient included in the different version. Adverse reports are rare, but if you experience them, you should explore them further.

Why Do Generic Drugs Cost Less?

When a pharmaceutical manufacturer develops a new drug, it obtains a patent for that drug. The patent protects the developer’s investment in developing the drug, and no one else can legally sell the exact same drug for a period of time. It will be protected for up to 17 years.

That patent-protected drug is the innovator drug. When we purchase it, we are also paying for the research costs, the costs incurred in proving it is safe, the costs to market and transport the drug, and a premium if it is the only available drug for a certain symptom, disease or condition. Those costs can make drugs very expensive for us to purchase. The developer considers much of the price a way to recoup its development costs.

Once that patent-protected time has passed, any other company can manufacture and sell a drug with the same ingredients as the branded one. However, the FDA insists that a generic drug must be given a new name. Since the company that manufactures the generic didn't incur the costs of the original research, testing or marketing, the cost is lower.

If you have an insurance plan that covers prescription drugs, you may be surprised to know that some branded drugs will actually cost you less from your pocket than generics do. Health insurance companies negotiate pricing with drug manufacturers and drug sellers, occasionally resulting in more favorable pricing for their insured customers for branded drugs.

Your insurance company maintains a list of preferred drugs, called a formulary, that helps you understand pricing. If the choice is not clear, check with your insurance company to determine whether the branded or generic will cost you less.

Are There Downsides to Generic Drugs?

Knowing how much money we can save when we pay for our own drugs, and how much money we can save for the entire healthcare system if we accept generics through our health insurance plans, we have to wonder why we wouldn't always prefer to take generics.

The answer is more about how generic drug manufacturers operate, the lack of oversight by the WHO, and less about the real question of whether generics will "work."

The vast majority of generic drugs are manufactured in other countries; not in the Australia or Europe. The FDA has enough trouble regulating drugs manufactured in its own country; it cannot and does not do a good job of regulating manufacturers overseas. One example of this problem is the Ranbaxy debacle in 2013 when ultimately the FDA levied a $500 million fine because Ranbaxy was intentionally adulterating its drugs. There can be no question that other manufacturers are legally selling counterfeit versions of the drugs they have been approved to manufacture, too.

The best way to be sure you are getting exactly the drug you need, branded or generic, is to consult with your doctor. When your doctor prescribes a drug for you, ask if there is a generic equivalent. If there is, then ask which form of the drug makes the most sense for you.

If you are ready and know your medical needs we suggest to buy generic drugs online in safe online pharmacy: (Online Pharmacy Asia)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Why are young men clueless about emergency contraception?

Young men are clueless about emergency contraception which is limiting access to an effective means of preventing unwanted pregnancies, researchers say. The big finding in our study is that young men had a lot less knowledge about emergency contraception than the young women that we surveyed, and even among the young women, knowledge wasn’t great, Sheree Schrager, a member of the study team, told Reuters Health.

About half of the women understood basic facts about emergency contraception, how you get it, how you use it, and the fact that male partners were also able to buy it over-the-counter for their female partners,’ added Schrager, a researcher at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, California. ‘But young men had significantly lower knowledge then the young women did, and this is an opportunity for providers to reach out to young men in the hopes of reaching more young women to use emergency contraception,’ she said. According to researchers, unwanted pregnancies are higher in poorer communities and their health and economic consequences may be greater, the researchers write in The Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. Gallery – know your contraception

To gauge how much older teens and young adults know about emergency contraception, the researchers enrolled 101 males and 97 females ages 18 to 25 into the study during 2008 and 2009. The participants were either patients at a free health care clinic in Los Angeles or had received physical screenings as part of their training for the Los Angeles Job Corps. About 36 per cent of sexually experienced young women had used emergency contraception previously, while 18 per cent of the sexually experienced males had partners who had used it.

Birth control pill

Birth control or oral contraceptive pills is a reliable method of contraception and works by suppressing ovulation – the release of an egg from the ovary. Contraceptive pills are classified depending on their composition. In India, there are two types of pills available.

Combined pills: Contains a combination of oestrogen and progestin. These are the synthetic form of the same hormones present in the female body. These pills are also useful in reducing the intensity of menstrual discomfort. Another type of pill available is the Mini Pill. They contain only progesterone, they are milder in action and have lesser side-effects. If used correctly and consistently, the pill is projected to be about 99.7 to 99.9 % effective in preventing pregnancy. The failure rate of hormonal methods of contraception, including the pill is usually lower than non-hormonal methods such as condoms and intrauterine devices.

Pros and cons: When taken correctly, regular and emergency pills work most of the time. However, they can also cause problems and it’s believed they can cause weight gain, decrease libido and cause other problems since they alter a woman’s hormonal levels. It’s also important to remember that unlike the barrier method, pills do not prevent the transmission of HIV and other STDs.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Porn and ED - My Story of Overcoming Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction

I was addicted to porn from age 14 to age 27. That’s 13 years and a LOT of porn watching. What started innocent enough at age 12 when I found my dad’s Playboy collection, turned into an obsessive addiction to Internet videos and DVDs that literally took over my life. Because of my excessive porn habit, at various points in my life, I had terrible problems with Porn-Induced ED and sexual anxiety. At 18 I experienced mild PIED, and in my mid-twenties it became so bad I was frequently depressed.

The turning point was when I was 24 It had been a few months since I had seen my girlfriend. I was really in love with her and found her very attractive. At the time, she was the perfect girl for me – sexy, petite, beautiful, funny and super charismatic. But when I saw her after 4 months of us being apart, when we were stripping off our clothes to make up for lost time, I couldn't get an erection. What is happening? My mind raced. What is wrong with my penis? Why don’t I have an erection?? She is so amazingly sexy, but physically nothing was happening for me. At various times before that I had experienced some ED from time to time, but this was a complete shut down. No reaction. I didn't put it together at that moment, but it was because when I was away from her for 4 months, I was using porn daily – sometimes two times per day. I was also “edging” which compounded the problem.

It took almost two months to get back to somewhat normal sex with her, and my confidence suffered a noticeable shock.

After that relationship ended, I experienced sporadic ED problems with other girlfriends, especially the first few times with a new girl — sometimes to the point where it would ruin the relationship. I was miserable.

I went to see a doctor, a sex therapist, even a hypnotist to try to fix my problems. At first I didn't realize that the problem was pornography and “edging”, but after I discovered some online articles about the link between porn and ED, I knew what I had to do: give up pornography, forever. But knowing what to do and doing it are two different things. I have overcome many difficult obstacles in my life – overcoming crippling shyness by joining toastmasters and entering speech contests; losing over 50 pounds by changing my diet and exercising — but this was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I failed many times before I succeeded in permanently quitting pornography. I read every website with anything useful, I read accounts of other recovering users, and I bought books on psychology, NLP, and habit change. It took me over a year of real, genuine struggle – 20 days, 50 days, 100 days and then back to zero – before I was able to find what worked for me.

I am now 30 years old and have been completely porn-free for a little over 2 years. Since overcoming my porn addiction, I have gotten back the libido I once had and now have a great, satisfying, active sex life. I no longer have any sexual anxiety and have more confidence in the bedroom than ever before. I want you to know, because when you’re going through withdrawal and depression from quitting, it’s important to know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

A little more than a year ago, as I started talking more openly with my male friends about how quitting porn completely turned around my sex life, they would confess to me about their problems – the exact same problems I had experienced years before! So, I started giving advice and essentially running a support group. Over the months, I helped them overcome their addictions and get back their natural libido, by showing them exactly what I did. I gave them the step-by-step program that I used to get over my addiction. And my friends started saying things like “man, there’s gotta be so many guys out there with these problems – and it’s only going to get worse as internet porn gets better and more and more prevalent. Brian, you need to help these guys.”

I started this site to help people like me. It took me years of trial and error to figure out what works to quit porn. I’ve talked to hundreds of other men online about their experiences quitting porn and getting back their sex life, and I want to share the information.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

10 Best Workouts for Your Sex Life

It's no secret that exercise boosts your mood, jump-starts your sex drive and improves your overall health. But that still doesn't always get you to the gym. So what could be better than a workout that takes your mind off the fact that you're working hard to burn those calories?

"Sexy workouts help us tune into our bodies in a sensual way, so we feel more receptive and more interested in sex," says Marianne Brandon, PhD, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist in Annapolis, Md. Apart from doing the deed itself, these 10 exercises are the sexiest ways to break a sweat. They'll get your heart racing — in more ways than one!

Pole dancing

No longer just for exotic dancers, pole-dancing classes have sprung up around the country — and appear to be here to stay. Private studios and nationwide gym chains alike offer lessons, no experience necessary.

For women with flagging libidos, it can even act as treatment. "I often recommend this with my patients as homework," says Brandon.

Just don't expect it to be a walk in the park! Sessions can involve hours of strength work (how else do you stay on the thing if not for clenched muscles?) and sultry swiveling to upbeat tunes.

Salsa lessons

Hit the dance floor for steamy salsa lessons and burn 200 calories in half an hour. You don't need to be a great dancer — classes across the country are full of people of all backgrounds and levels. Plus, a workout where you get to don a flirty dress and racy heels can't be bad!

To really stoke the flame, grab your significant other and take a lesson as a couple. Studies show partners who try something new together reap big benefits both in and out of bed!

Strip aerobics (cardio striptease)

You don't have to look like Carmen Electra to test-drive her striptease-as-cardio workout plan. And don't worry — you don't actually take all your clothes off!

This class is more about sexy, stripper-like moves than disrobing — although you can feel free to peel off a sweatshirt or T-shirt, if you want to.

While strip aerobics could still seem intimidating, devotees stress it's fun and sexy at any size or shape. Join a class where a choreographer can help you learn the steps, or slide into some fishnets and pop in a DVD at home — with or without an audience!

Chair dancing

Chair-dancing workout DVDs seem to have been predominantly relegated to late-night infomercials. But there's a fitness gem buried even in this risqué routine. Gyrating and jiggling is highly encouraged — and the result is tight abs, legs, butts and more.

Many private studios are beginning to incorporate these moves into their pole-dancing or other sultry dance classes.

"I tell (patients) they can then use those skills with their partner at home; they can give it as a gift on Valentine's Day," says Brandon, author of "Monogamy: The Untold Story" and co-author of "Reclaiming Desire: 4 Keys to Finding Your Lost Libido."

Belly dancing

We love the message of this Middle Eastern dancercise: Love your body no matter what. So slip into a slinky hip wrap and shake what you've got to the lively Arabic music. Many major health clubs offer classes that can melt up to 350 calories in an hour!

Plus, for someone who's not quite comfortable swinging around a pole, this can be a more modest way to get into sexy exercising, says Brandon.

Naked yoga

Not everyone will warm to the idea of a disrobed Downward Facing Dog. Still, naked yoga studios have popped up around the country.

Fans say losing their clothes makes the relaxing and calming practice even better, allowing them to really celebrate their bodies.

"The more you get to thinking about sex, the more you're going to want to have it," says Brandon. "Sexy workouts set positive expectations and help you feel more tuned into your body."

Plus, many yoga poses — done with or without clothes — open up the hips, thighs, and pelvis, and strengthen key pelvic-floor muscles for deeper and better orgasms.


Literally translated to mean "move fast," this Colombian dance craze has swept fitness groups across six continents! It's a mile-a-minute mix of traditional aerobic moves for maximum heart pumping, sassy Latin shimmies and hip-hop-inspired booty shaking.

Best of all, you don't have to be a pro to join in the party. New participants are encouraged to hang in at their own pace, picking up the moves as they go along.

"It's not a place of competition, like you (might) expect," says Brandon. "It's very supportive for women."

Bollywood Dance

Indian-inspired Bollywood dance is also making a sexy splash. A half hour burns about 200 calories, and many of the dances tell stories of romance or lost love, so really get into the part!

If your gym doesn't offer Bollywood or Bhangra classes, there are lots of at-home options. We like "Hemalayaa: Bollywood Booty" for its four backside-shaping routines.

Aerial acrobatics

Popularized by circus acrobats, this workout is slowly moving mainstream. It will definitely take some practice, but learning to slink among bolts of fabric hanging from the ceiling — stretching and strengthening, all while defying gravity — is sure to take your breath away.

Some private studios are now incorporating different types of antigravity movements into their classes, including yoga in midair!


This sport is not just for kids! Get lost in the hypnotic hip swivels of this super-fun belly blaster. Once you get comfortable with the basic how-to, you can mix and match these fun moves for a 30-minute workout that can burn up to 250 calories!

You'll notice more than just the inches you lose when it comes to looking in the mirror. "It makes us feel better about our body image," says Brandon, "and that will lead us to be more interested in physical and sensual activity."

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